Numbers (42)
1 Chronicles (33)
Ruth (4)
Esther (9)
Job (21)
Song of Songs (12)
Ecclesiastes (15)
Ezekiel (37)
Amos (9)
John 3.1-21 (9)
1 Corinthians 12-14 (7)
Titus (23)
1 John (5)
The Seven Churches of Revelation 2 and 3 (7)
Great texts (19)
How to die well (4)
Welsh pastor [born '59] at Childs Hill Baptist, London ['83ff] husband to Eleri ['88ff]; father to 5 sons [b '89-'01]; 4 daughters-in-law ['09ff]; 9 grandchildren ['14ff] author: several books, many blogs.